Largest Waterbodies Geoscience Australia

We commit to working collectively to build a affluent and inclusive Australia. Simon is the senior GNSS Scientist in the Positioning Australia Branch at Geoscience Australia. He has labored on the event of GA’s Ginan multi-GNSS positioning and navigation software project since 2020. He acquired his Bachelor of Surveying and his PhD from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), […]

Info Sheet Lake Eyre Basin Springs Evaluation Queensland Authorities

Indigenously named Kati Thanda, Lake Eyre is 15m under sea level and Australia’s lowest pure level. On the uncommon events it fills, additionally it is Australia’s largest lake overlaying 9,500 km2. When in flood – a superb sky blue with numerous waterbirds, fish and wildflowers. And in drought – salt and algae create beautiful hues of pink, usually seen from […]

Capturing Arkaba And Lake Eyre

Indigenously named Kati Thanda, Lake Eyre is 15m under sea level and Australia’s lowest natural level. On the uncommon events it fills, it’s also Australia’s largest lake masking 9,500 km2. When in flood – a superb sky blue with countless waterbirds, fish and wildflowers. And in drought – salt and algae create beautiful hues of pink, typically seen from space. […]